
Welcome to my website!

My name is Seppe, but online I like to go by the username Zepje. I'm 19 years old, and currently studying "Toegepaste Informatica" (similar to CS) at HoGent. On this page, you can find my current projects, aswell as some ways to contact me.


  1. BrickList

    BrickList is a tool im developing to be able to store and share lists of LEGO bricks with other fans. This is useful when selling incomplete sets, so you can share the list of parts you need.

    Logo for bricklist
  2. Coming Soon!

    Nothing here yet, this is just so i can add more projects with ease.

    Black question mark
  3. Coming Soon!

    Nothing here yet, this is just so i can add more projects with ease.

    Black question mark


  1. Twitter


  2. Discord

